Monday, February 4, 2013

New York City goth club review for Wierd

Wierd is held at Home Sweet Home bar in the lower east side of Manhattan.  Home Sweet Home is a small place with a big long bar, a tiny stage and some old shabby looking furniture.  It has lots of fog and is very dark.  The bathrooms are also very dark. The bar area during Wierd is very busy. There are many people of all ages drinking fiercely.  About half or more of Wierd's crowd are williamsburg types with fuzzy beards and ironic t-shirts.  The others are dark rocker types with a few goths and punks thrown in.  It's very well attended and the people there get very drunk.  The music at Wierd is either unknown Italo Disco that all sounds much the same or it's unpopular goth songs by unpopular bands.   It's not easy to describe what it sounds like, but these song choices aren't just rare; they are bad.  Wierd really is weird, even though it's spelled differently.  The people there say that it's like that because of it being run and owned by the indie record label, Wierd Records.  

Wierd gets one star for it's big bar and one for it's good drink service.  They also get one third of a star for their crowd's alcoholic enthusiasm.  Wierd gets no stars for it's location, it's dark bathroom hallway or it's williamsburg type crowd.

Wierd ☆*


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Your review is completely uneducated and totally based on your own narrow, unsophisticated taste in music. Apparently you think that only very popular, commercial music is good music.
    And I never see many 'bearded Williamsburg types with ironic t-shirts'. Are you sure you were at the right club? I think you're extremely unqualified to review this club, and all clubs/music/everything in general. Your writing is also poor.
    But I guess you must know what you're talking about and the fact that this little club is INTERNATIONALLY known and praised and talked about with high regard in fine art and music magazines means nothing.
    Go back to grinding to Lady Gaga in some big meat market club and leave Wierd alone. It was not meant for common commercially brainwashed types like yourself.
